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Importance of First Article Inspection Report based on AS9100 standard

First article inspection is the process of planning, manufacturing and verifying a production process. A First article inspection report is the document that certifies that each sample was produced and inspected according to the customer’s specification.

A first article inspection is an initial assessment of a product to determine if it meets all or most of the requirements of an applicable standard. If a product does not meet these requirements, then further testing will be required before it can be certified as conforming to the standard. A first article inspection report provides information about your organization’s processes and procedures related to inspecting products prior to their release into commerce. This type of report should also include any deviations from either internal standards used by your company or external standards required by other organizations such as government agencies or industry associations (e.g., FDA).

A first article inspection report is used to evaluate your organization’s ability to produce a product that meets the requirements of an applicable standard. An inspection report is a document that summarizes the results of an inspection. Depending on the type and size of your project, you may need to produce more than one inspection report as part of your quality system.

AS9100 first article inspection report contains information about each item that was inspected during a first article check (FAC). The FAC is performed on all new equipment before it enters service in order to ensure that it complies with applicable regulations and standards.

This includes any requirements from:

  • The ASTM International Standard (ASTM)
  • ANSI/ASME National Standard Specifications (ANSI/ASME NSS)
  • The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • The International Electro technical Commission (IEC) The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Non-conformances

Nonconformance are discrepancies that have occurred with regard to the component and any corrective actions taken are documented here. These non-conformances are tracked throughout the manufacturing process, whether it be during first article inspection, final inspection or during production.

Non-conformances may also be found by internal or external inspectors at any point in time.

The management review is a meeting that takes place at least once a month where management reviews the manufacturing status and progress of each project. It is during this meeting that open items are discussed, as well as any changes or modifications that need to be made in order to continue moving forward.

The management review meeting also discusses any changes to the schedule and any upcoming milestones. In addition, it is during this meeting that corrective actions are discussed in order to prevent future nonconformances from occurring. The corrective action plan is a document that outlines how a problem or issue will be resolved and what steps need to be taken in order for the resolution to take effect. Nonconformance, or discrepancies that have occurred with regard to the component and any corrective actions taken are documented here.

Discrepancies or nonconformance are documented in this section:

  • Reason for noncompliance (e.g., incorrect material quantity)
  • Corrective actions taken

These items must be recorded on a form that has been signed by an authorized manager of your organization/site as well as an inspector from your organization/site. A copy of this form should be sent to yourself so you can file it away for future reference if needed later on down the road.

The corrective actions taken should include the following: A description of the noncompliance or discrepancy, the cause of the noncompliance or discrepancy, the corrective action taken to correct it.

A first article inspection report is a very important document that must be completed by the inspector. It’s not just an opportunity to document deviations from the requirements, but also an opportunity to describe how they were found and what corrective actions were taken as well. The report should be written in a way that is easily understood by those who will read it and also provide details on what caused any non-conformances or discrepancies in order.

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