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Is “clay target for shooting” a matter of concern?

Risk Assessment Committee of ECHA supports the proposal to restrict polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in clay targets for shooting.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are group of chemicals that are present naturally in coal, crude oil, and gasoline. They are produced from burning coal, oil, gas, wood, garbage, and tobacco. In the air, PAHs have a tendency to bind with or form small particles. PAHs are toxic and very persistent substances that can cause serious health issues in humans and animals. Many PAHs are also known to be carcinogenic.

Clay target shooting is a sport involving shooting at special flying targets known as clay targets. Different types of binders are used to manufacture clay targets. PAHs are part of binders used to produce clay targets.

RAC points out that at least 270 tons of PAHs per year are estimated to be released to the environment from PAH-containing clay targets. And these are shattered by the gunshot into the open environment and cause serious contamination. Besides environmental risks, RAC justifies restriction as it will reduce exposure and related cancer risk for workers and the public handling. The restriction aims to prevent further environmental emissions of these toxic substance.

By applying risk management measures, the proposed restriction will reduce the identified risks by 99 % in a reasonable timeframe. The proposed concentration limit of restriction is 0.005 % weight by weight for the sum of 18 indicator PAHs after a one-year transition with a 1 % concentration limit.

To avoid serious health issues of humans and to protect environment, the Commission has requested ECHA to prepare an Annex XV dossier on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) binders in clay targets for shooting. According to its draft opinion, the Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis (SEAC) also supports this restriction. The 60-day consultation period on the draft opinion ends on 14 November 2022.

For information on the above PAHs restriction details, talk out to one of our material compliance specialists today!

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