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Home / Maine’s PFAS LD 1503 Law: What You Need to Know
Maine's PFAS LD 1503 Law What You Need to Know

Maine’s PFAS LD 1503 Law: What You Need to Know

PFAS, often referred to as “forever chemicals,” are recognized as top-tier hazardous substances due to their persistent nature in the environment and their propensity for bioconcentration, bioaccumulation, and biomagnification. These properties pose significant risks to ecosystems and human health. In response, various regulations have been implemented in the United States to curb or eliminate their usage, exemplified by Maine’s Act to Stop PFAS Pollution.

In 2021, Maine confronted a severe PFAS contamination crisis, prompting the adoption of a novel strategy to eradicate these enduring pollutants. LD 1503, enacted in July 2021, aims to phase out all PFAS uses in products by 2030, unless categorized under “currently unavoidable use (CUU).”

Under LD 1503, Maine mandates that manufacturers disclose the presence of PFAS in products by their Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number. Effective January 2023, consumer goods such as rugs, carpets, and fabric treatments containing intentionally added PFAS are prohibited from sale within the state. By January 2025, manufacturers must report the usage and quantity of intentionally added PFAS in products sold within Maine. Ultimately, by January 2030, products containing intentionally added PFAS will be barred from Maine’s market entirely.

The enactment of this law has wrought significant changes in Maine’s marketplace, impacting numerous manufacturers and businesses. Compliance XL offers consulting services to aid companies in navigating PFAS compliance, including the collection and management of PFAS supplier declarations. We assist clients in maintaining up-to-date supplier certificates and declarations, integral components of their compliance data management strategy.


1.What does CUU of PFAS in Maine entail?

CUU stands for Currently Unavoidable Use. It encompasses PFAS identified by the department as crucial for health, safety, or societal functioning, with no reasonable alternatives available.

2.What is the timeframe provided for PFAS compliance in Maine?

Before January 2025, manufacturers are required to report the utilization and quantity of intentionally added PFAS in products sold within the state. As of January 2030, products with intentionally added PFAS will be prohibited from entering Maine’s market.


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