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WEEE compliance

The WEEE legislation is something almost any company that lists a computer or a piece of electronics in their assets will need to deal with eventually. For those engaged in manufacturing or selling anything with electronic or electrical components, this is one of the key components of environmental compliance management.

WEEE stands for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. An old computer isn’t just a heavy piece of rubbish when it reaches the end of its life. While its exterior may consist of glass, metal, and plastic, what’s inside can be quite hazardous. Older batteries are especially problematic, and if waste electronics go straight to landfill, chemicals like lead and mercury can leach out and end up polluting the soil and the water table.

Private individuals can sometimes send their broken and dead laptops and computers back to the manufacturer for safe disposal, but for the manufacturers themselves WEEE compliance can be a headache. Of course, they’ll also have to stay within other directives as well – many of the raw materials used to make electronic components include mercury and other chemicals covered by the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive for example.

Specialists like us can make sure your manufacturing company comes into environmental compliance of all kinds and stays that way. We understand WEEE, RoHS, REACH and others. With a software solution and the right staff training compliance is easy. We can also make sure it happens as efficiently as possible, so your workers can continue to add value to your business.

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