
PPAP and FAI Support

Enhance Your Quality Standards through Professional Assistance

PPAP and FAI Support Services

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is equally important like the substance-level material declaration in IMDS for Automotive suppliers. PPAP is an industry-standard governed by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG). To ensure the engineering design and product specification requirements are met suppliers must go through PPAP. An efficient and well-managed PPAP ensures the reliability of components and assemblies provided by third-party vendors.

ComplianceXL helps Automotive as well as non-Automotive companies with PPAP and First Article Inspection services enabling them the processes used to manufacture parts can consistently reproduce the parts at defined quality levels and in compliance to specifications. PPAP is highly time-consuming and increases the workload for Supplier Engagement teams. We at ComplianceXL deliver dedicated teams as an extended arm for clients to leverage their skills and expertise in time completion.

ComplianceXL clients stand to gain substantial advantages from outsourcing a supplier quality function such as PPAP, which proves to be cost-effective when contrasted with the alternative of establishing an in-house dedicated team. Furthermore, an effective PPAP process not only saves manufacturers considerable time and monetary resources but also mitigates the risk of failures and product recalls.

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